Friday, May 9, 2014


Using different aperture sizes are just one of the many techniques used when taking a picture. Different aperture sizes refer to how much light is passing through the camera lens, which will change the result of the picture taken.

To make the subject of their photo stand out more, people tend to use lower aperture sizes to blur out the background and keep their subject in focus. The smaller the aperture size, the more blurred the background will be. This is a very good technique to use when wanting to make the subject of the photo grab the viewers attention. Examples of low aperture sizes are f/4.5, f/6. Heres an example of a photo taken with a low aperture size. Since the leaves in the background are blurred, they don't take the viewers attention away from the subject, producing a crisp image of the pine cone making it really stand out.

Although using small aperture sizes are quite popular, using larger aperture sizes, for example f/16, or f/22, are just as beneficial. They will make both the subject and the background in focus. This is commonly used in landscape photography where the entire image will be in focus, and can help capture very stunning pictures!

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